Meet Our Officers and Committee Chairs Officers President: Paulett Rozneck MSN, RN-BC, CLNCCoordinator Student Health Services, Lubbock ISD President-Elect: Karyn Beauchamp, MSN, MBA/HCM, RNDirector of Clinic and Health Services, Irving ISD Secretary: Cheryl Westmoreland BS, RN, NCSNDirector of Nursing, Deer Park ISD Treasurer: Becky Geise, MSN, RN, NCSNDirector of Health Services, Prosper ISD Committee Chairs Bylaws Chair: Courtney Peets MSN, RN, NCSNChief Health Services Officer, Burleson ISD Membership/Registration: Amy Hillin MSN, RN, NCSNDirector of Health Services, Wylie ISD Communications Chair: Nichól Smithers MSN, MEd, RNDirector of Health Services, Rockwall ISD Scholarship Chair: Stacie Brown BSN, RNDirector of Health & Wellness, Forney ISD Legislative Chair: April Weisedel RNChief Nursing Officer, Pasadena ISD Contact Us: